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English Fundamental

The Sentence Type

There are four types of sentences in English. Three of them have high frequencies; they occur in practically all kinds of written materials. The first three types are simple sentence, compound sentence and complex sentence. The fourth one is compound-complex sentence, which is relatively rarely constructed by (beginning) writers, is also in fact useful for especially the upper intermediate and advanced levels of writers. To use each type correctly as well as effectively, the writer has to be able to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the four types. (taken from Barli Bram’s Write Well)

Word Type:

1. Nouns

2. Pronouns

3. Verbs

4. Adjectives

5. Adverbs

6. Prepositions

7. Conjunctions

Sentence Type:

1. Simple Sentence

2. Compound Sentence

3. Complex Sentence

4. Compound-Complex Sentence

Sentence Elements:

1. Subject

2. Verb

3. Object

4. Complement

5. Adverb


1. Simple Present

2. Present Continuous

3. Simple Past

4. Past Continuous

5. Present Future

6. Past Future

7. Present Perfect

8. Past Perfect

9. Present Future Continuous

10. Past Future Continuous

11. Present Perfect Continuous

12. Past Perfect Continuous

13. Present Future Perfect

14. Past Future Perfect

15. Present Future Perfect Continuous

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous

To Be:

Pattern: Positive: S + To Be

Negative: S + To Be + Not

Affirmative: To Be + S ?

Simple Present Tense:

Pattern: Positive: S + V1(+s/es)

Negative: S + Do/Does + Not + V1

Affirmative: Do/Does + V1?

Function: - Habitual Actions

- General Truth

Adjectives: everyday, every morning, every night, usually, always, sometimes, often, seldom, rarely, frequently, once a week, twice a week, once a month, once a year, etc.


· Concrete Nouns

o Proper Nouns

o Common Nouns

o Collective Nouns

o Material Nouns

· Abstract Nouns:

Noun dapat dibedakan menjadi:

· Countable Nouns

· Uncountable Nouns

Singular & Plural:

1. +s

2. +es

3. +ies

4. +ves

5. singular = plural

6. selalu berbentuk plural

7. bentuk khusus

Compound Noun:


1. Personal Pronouns:

· Nominative

· Accusative

2. Possessive Pronouns:

3. Reflexive Pronouns:

4. Relative Pronouns:

5. Demonstrative Pronouns:

6. Interrogative Pronouns:

7. Indefinite Pronouns:

· Singular

· Plural

· Singular/Plural

Present Continuous:

Pattern: Positive: S + to be + V-ing

Negative: S + to be + not + V-ing

Affirmative: To be + S + V-ing ?


· Finite Verbs:

§ Main Verbs:

* Intransitive Verbs:

* Transitive Verbs:

* Copulative Verbs:

§ Auxiliaries:

* Primary:

* Modals:

· Non Finite Verbs:

§ The Infinitive

§ The Gerund

o The Participle
Simple Past:

Pattern: Positive : S + V (past)

Negative : S + did not + V (infinitive/V1)

Affirmative: Did + S + V (infinitive/V1)

Markets and Monopolies

The term ‘market’, as used by economist, is an extension of the ancient idea of a market as where people gather to buy and sell goods. In former days, part of a town was kept as the market or market place, and people would travel many kilometers on special market days in order to buy and sell various commodities. Today however, market such as the world sugar market, the gold market and the cotton market do not need to have any fixed geographical location. Such a market is simply a set of conditions permitting buyers and sellers to work together.

In free market, competition takes place among sellers of the same commodity, and among those who wish to buy that commodity. Such competition influences the price prevailing in the market. Prices inevitably fluctuate and such fluctuations are also affected by current supply and demand.

Whenever people who are willing to sell a commodity is contact people who are willing to buy it, a market for that commodity is created. Buyers and sellers may meet in person, or they may communicate in some other way: by letter, by telephone, or through their agents. In a perfect market, communications are easy, buyers and sellers are numerous, and competition is completely free. In a perfect market there can be only one price for any given commodity: the lowest price which sellers will accept and the highest which consumers will pay. There are, however, no really perfect markets, and each commodity market is subjected to special conditions. It can be said however the price ruling in the market indicates the point where supply and demand meets.


· Descriptive:

§ Proper Adjective:

§ Descriptive Adjective:

· Limiting:

§ Indefinite Quantitative Adjective:

§ Numeral Adjective:

* Indefinite

* Definite

§ Demonstrative Adjective:

§ Interrogative Adjective:

§ Relative Adjective:

§ Distributive Adjective:

§ Possessive Adjective:


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